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Posts published in December 2020

The Amazing World Of Cats & Babies

It is safe to say cats and babies are so adorable to watch together. We all know babies are our pride and joy. On the other hand, so are cats.

Cats can tell babies are sensitive, innocent beings. They understand they need care and attention. Moreover, cats can be incredibly careful when they play with babies. If anything, they tend to take on the role of being the baby's protector.

Cats enjoy playing with babies, they enjoy watching over them and studying their every move. Unfortunately, babies do not understand cats. For some reason they see them as a moving meal. Most babies enjoy pulling on their cat’s tails, ears, legs, whatever part of the cat they can get a hold of.

in spite the physical abuse cats may experience at the hands of a baby, at the end of the day cats and babies are a pleasure to watch together. It is such a precious site to watch cats and babies embrace their friendship and how much they enjoy each other.

Let us not forget cats and babies’ special moments. One of my favorite moments of cause is, watching them fall to sleep together.

What an Amazing World of Cats and Babies.