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Posts published in January 2021

The Amazing World Of Cats & Chrisx Trees

How can I not put up a post about cats and Christmas trees? My God! I am telling you. They will sit there and just watch you decorate your tree. Some may even take a little nap, right in front of the tree. While you were putting on your favorite trimmings and most colorful lights. Oboy let me tell you, as soon as you finish, as-soon-as-you-finish. This is when your cat's Christmas Party will begin. If I were you, I would try not to walk away from that tree. You best believe it; your cat was contemplating on having the time of his or her life. Cats like to pull the trimmings off the tree. They like to climb up the tree and play with the hanging ornaments. These daring little creatures are fascinated when they knock the ornaments off the tree. They will climb up your tree just to get a hold of that sparkling jewel on the top of the tree. Watch out now, I am telling you, your cat will literally charge the tree and knock it down. Do you know what it's like decorating a tree and all you can remember is that sweet, adorable, innocent cat who was giving you so much attention; just sitting there watching you decorate your tree. You see, you had no idea all the while your cat was saying to his or herself, "thank you for my new toy, now will you hurry the HELL UP so I can play?"

What an Amazing World of Cats and Christmas Trees.