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Posts published in May 2021

The Amazing World of Cats & Fish

And a way we go. The amazing world of Cats and Fish. Let's face it, how can a cat resist  the attempt to get his paws on those beautiful fish swimming around in that big tank. Cats are truly taken back by fish's flashing beautiful colors, shapes, and styles. Watching them swim around that big tank with such ease and peace. Fish are a tease to cats. The idea fish has so much movement and nothing to interrupt their flow. Cats feel like fish are challenging them, they feel teased, avoid, and confused. “Who the hell they think they are, I’ll show them.” I believe this is the thought that goes through a cat’s mind. Cats feel they have territorial rights over fish any day, even though the fish are in a tank. They believe they have the right to make sure fish knows who is in charge, who is the boss up in here. Cats will watch fish swim around the tank for hours until they feel enough is enough. Once he gets tired of watching those damn fish swimming around that big tank, HE WILL MAKE HIS MOVE; this can be deadly and aggressive. His aim is to catch, or should I say attack every damn fish in the tank. You must know, he's not playing, and is dead serious. The only problem with his attack is, Cats hate water and if he's not careful, he may end up a fish himself.

What an Amazing World of Cats and Fish.