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Posts published in August 2021

Amazing World of Cats & Pigs

Step aside and enjoy these two adorable animals, welcome and respect one another. Despite the difference in size and the drastic differences in appearance. One would never expect them to get along so well. You would think the squeaky noise pigs make, would somehow bother cats and turn them off. Pigs can be very noisy, loud, and very irritating.  unfortunately, cats are very sensitive to unwelcoming sounds. On the other hand, pigs are playful and smart animals. It is safe to say they have higher intelligence than dogs. The pig’s friendly personality is what makes such an adorable connection between cats and pigs. I have to say it is very entertaining watching them adore each other. They really enjoy playing, grooming, and loving one another. Cats welcome the pig’s attention; they enjoy the friendship they have with the pig. There is nothing like having a play mate that likes to play as much as they enjoy playing. A cat can cherish his relationship with a pig. The cat can tell the pig respect their company and truly care about them. Although cats can be a little aggressive at times, a pig will encourage all play and if anything, he is capable of out playing a cat. Interesting to know these two animals can be good friends. It is really a lovely site to watch cats and pigs embrace one another. They can show the world how much they understand each other and really appreciated the friendship they have in one another for all time.

What an Amazing World of Cats and Pigs