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Posts published in “Blog”

Amazing World of Cats & Deers

My god, what an adorable combination these two animals make up. The characteristic of Cats and Deers uniquely complement one another. I’ve watched a variety of videos on cats and deers. What I found so fascinating is these two animals enjoy being around one another.  They get along extremely well. What an inseparable bond they have. Needless to say, deers can be curious, cautious, yet friendly and passionate animals. On the other hand, they are easily frightened and always have their guards up. As for cats, they are so self-centered and content with who they are. They can sense the gentle spirit of a deer. They are not intimidated nor feel any sense of danger from a deer. This is a friendship that can be well appreciated and highly respected between the two. Cats can often be very playful, however deers are not. Deers are more reserved and serious. They often don’t show much interest in playing, especially to the extent cats like to play. It’s safe to say a cautious introduction between these two animals is necessary. This indeed will open the door to a safe, comfortable willingness for the two to get along with each other. The deer will welcome being the nurturing and caring one, whereas the cat tends to enjoy the attention and enormous security. I enjoy observing the relationship between these two creatures. Hands down, these two animals truly complement one another and seem to offer a remarkable balance and support for each other.

What an amazing world of Cats and Deers.

Amazing World of Cats and Halloween

Trick or treat, it’s Halloween, and why does it have to be all about me. Who can be hiding behind that evil mask? Why am I discriminated this time of the year, Is it because I’m black? Why do I represent the darkness within the souls of so many people? Why do I symbolize what many acknowledge as being, dark and evil, so out of control? Trick or treat, Its Halloween, I’m the black cat that can be loved and want to be loved. I’m the black cat for some reason they use to represent and validate this season for fouls. I’m the black cat that has feelings. I don’t want to be used and abused for evil. I don’t understand, “why me” I’m the black cat just like any other cat and as you can see, I’m beautiful, can’t you see? Trick or treat, It’s Halloween Why tease me with your mask. It’s not funny, it’s not nice, I deserve your best and nothing less. Why tease me with your mask, do you love me, why make fun of me, is it my reaction when I show fear. Why tease me with your mask, are you having fun because I’m not. I feel mistreated and sad. Why tease me with your mask, this unfortunate season is for you, someday you ‘ll see it won’t last. Trick or treat, unfortunately, this is not a trick or a treat but sadly, it has been all about me.

What an Amazing World of Cats and Halloween

Amazing World of Cats & Pigs

Step aside and enjoy these two adorable animals, welcome and respect one another. Despite the difference in size and the drastic differences in appearance. One would never expect them to get along so well. You would think the squeaky noise pigs make, would somehow bother cats and turn them off. Pigs can be very noisy, loud, and very irritating.  unfortunately, cats are very sensitive to unwelcoming sounds. On the other hand, pigs are playful and smart animals. It is safe to say they have higher intelligence than dogs. The pig’s friendly personality is what makes such an adorable connection between cats and pigs. I have to say it is very entertaining watching them adore each other. They really enjoy playing, grooming, and loving one another. Cats welcome the pig’s attention; they enjoy the friendship they have with the pig. There is nothing like having a play mate that likes to play as much as they enjoy playing. A cat can cherish his relationship with a pig. The cat can tell the pig respect their company and truly care about them. Although cats can be a little aggressive at times, a pig will encourage all play and if anything, he is capable of out playing a cat. Interesting to know these two animals can be good friends. It is really a lovely site to watch cats and pigs embrace one another. They can show the world how much they understand each other and really appreciated the friendship they have in one another for all time.

What an Amazing World of Cats and Pigs


Amazing World of Cats & Horses

For some reason, I believe a horses can be great danger to a cat. Let face it, it is hard to tell how a horse may act in the company of a cat; let alone how a cat will feel once in the present of a horse.

There is an enormous difference in sizes of these two creatures that can really make you wonder. A horse towing over a cat can be very intimidating and frightening to a cat. Needless to say, this is definitely not the case at all.

Cats are not afraid of horses. They respect them and welcome their company. They embrace their love, nurturing and most caring support. On the other hand, horses can see cats are playful little, gentle creature that cause know threat to them. They enjoy the warmth and gentle affection cats graciously give.

Cats and horses can be the best of friends and have no problem showing their friendship and loyalty to one another. These two animals often enjoy grooming one another and spending lots of time together. They are inseparable and protective of each other.

However, despite their sizes, these two animals can be the best of friends and most of all they are not ashamed to show it.

What an Amazing World of Cats and Horses

The Amazing World of Cats & Fish

And a way we go. The amazing world of Cats and Fish. Let's face it, how can a cat resist  the attempt to get his paws on those beautiful fish swimming around in that big tank. Cats are truly taken back by fish's flashing beautiful colors, shapes, and styles. Watching them swim around that big tank with such ease and peace. Fish are a tease to cats. The idea fish has so much movement and nothing to interrupt their flow. Cats feel like fish are challenging them, they feel teased, avoid, and confused. “Who the hell they think they are, I’ll show them.” I believe this is the thought that goes through a cat’s mind. Cats feel they have territorial rights over fish any day, even though the fish are in a tank. They believe they have the right to make sure fish knows who is in charge, who is the boss up in here. Cats will watch fish swim around the tank for hours until they feel enough is enough. Once he gets tired of watching those damn fish swimming around that big tank, HE WILL MAKE HIS MOVE; this can be deadly and aggressive. His aim is to catch, or should I say attack every damn fish in the tank. You must know, he's not playing, and is dead serious. The only problem with his attack is, Cats hate water and if he's not careful, he may end up a fish himself.

What an Amazing World of Cats and Fish.

The Amazing World of Cats & Rabbits

I am so excited to venture into the amazing world of cats and rabbits. It is rewarding to witness how these two creatures complement each other. Their demeanors, personalities, characters, and most of all, in some cases their amazing appearances. Cats love to play as dose rabbits. They enjoy watching a rabbit’s every move, this way they will know when and how they can move. Cats like to pay close attention to rabbits; I believe this is because a rabbit is fast and can easily outrun them. On the other hand, once a cat has his eyes locked on the rabbit, I have to say he is not challenged one bit by the speed of a ribbit. I believe a cat can be equally as fast as a rabbit. Cats enjoy playing with rabbits. They have a very warm sense of companionship and a great deal of respect for rabbits. Cats and rabbits often express their love and gratitude for one another, they welcome each other friendship and companionship. It is unfortunate some cats don’t like to be bothered. What can you say about cats that tend to be mean and aggressive to rabbits? However, a rabbit is often very reserved and patient. He will allow the cat the space the cat may need and come back another day. Cats and rabbits can be remarkably close friends, they embrace their friendship and spend a lot of time just bonding with one another. They are very protective of each other, Cats and rabbits have no problem eating, sleeping, bathing, sharing and even teasing each other constantly. They are very entertaining and most of all, these two creatures can be the most ideal pet combination you may want to have someday. There is no doubt these two animals adore and understand each other. They are incredibly special and unique in their own way. It is no wonder this is,

What an Amazing World of Cats and Rabbits

The Amazing World of Cats & Monkeys

MY GOD, what can we say when it comes to cats and monkeys.                                                              Cats really do not understand monkeys. They tend to exhibit the humble role of a defeated victim. A cat would rather lay back and allow the monkey to have his way. Despite the monkey's physical abuse and aggressive behavior, a cat will allow the annoying abuse as much as he can and maybe play along with it. It is hard to tell if a cat is ok with a monkey’s extreme, aggressive abuse. Who knows, cats may understand the behavior and just want to enjoy their play time with the monkey. On the other hand, monkeys are very playful, they enjoy treating cats like rag dolls. They don’t understand a cat’s characteristics. Monkeys can be very mean to cats. They like teasing them, pulling on their legs, tails, and whatever part of a cat’s body they can grab hold of. This of cause could be incredibly sad, watching a monkey drag a cat around like the useless playful cat that he is. On the other hand, some monkeys like to think of cats as their care giver and only protector, how amazing to see. A monkey may not mean any harm however, clearly, they do not intentionally mean to be overpowering. Their aggressive behavior toward a cat can be harmful, and extremely dangerous. Cats really want to welcome a monkey’s play time; they know they can be playful too. If there is one think cats can see when it comes to a monkey’s aggressive behavior, that is, he can tell the monkey is just playing, and he wants to play too.

What an Amazing World of Cats and Monkeys.

The Amazing World Of Cats & Chrisx Trees

How can I not put up a post about cats and Christmas trees? My God! I am telling you. They will sit there and just watch you decorate your tree. Some may even take a little nap, right in front of the tree. While you were putting on your favorite trimmings and most colorful lights. Oboy let me tell you, as soon as you finish, as-soon-as-you-finish. This is when your cat's Christmas Party will begin. If I were you, I would try not to walk away from that tree. You best believe it; your cat was contemplating on having the time of his or her life. Cats like to pull the trimmings off the tree. They like to climb up the tree and play with the hanging ornaments. These daring little creatures are fascinated when they knock the ornaments off the tree. They will climb up your tree just to get a hold of that sparkling jewel on the top of the tree. Watch out now, I am telling you, your cat will literally charge the tree and knock it down. Do you know what it's like decorating a tree and all you can remember is that sweet, adorable, innocent cat who was giving you so much attention; just sitting there watching you decorate your tree. You see, you had no idea all the while your cat was saying to his or herself, "thank you for my new toy, now will you hurry the HELL UP so I can play?"

What an Amazing World of Cats and Christmas Trees.

The Amazing World Of Cats & Babies

It is safe to say cats and babies are so adorable to watch together. We all know babies are our pride and joy. On the other hand, so are cats.

Cats can tell babies are sensitive, innocent beings. They understand they need care and attention. Moreover, cats can be incredibly careful when they play with babies. If anything, they tend to take on the role of being the baby's protector.

Cats enjoy playing with babies, they enjoy watching over them and studying their every move. Unfortunately, babies do not understand cats. For some reason they see them as a moving meal. Most babies enjoy pulling on their cat’s tails, ears, legs, whatever part of the cat they can get a hold of.

in spite the physical abuse cats may experience at the hands of a baby, at the end of the day cats and babies are a pleasure to watch together. It is such a precious site to watch cats and babies embrace their friendship and how much they enjoy each other.

Let us not forget cats and babies’ special moments. One of my favorite moments of cause is, watching them fall to sleep together.

What an Amazing World of Cats and Babies.

The Amazing World Of Funny Cats

Cats are simply the most hilarious, funniest animals. They are very independent and a joy to have. I really enjoy watching them interrelate with other cats, this is so amazing, watching them box with one another. one can clearly see they can be overly aggressive. To watch a cat literally stand on his two legs and duke it out. How about, their reaction when they see their reflection in the mirror, MY GOD! they will flare up and start jumping around like a kangaroo, now how funny is that. Other cats will attempt to attack their reflection in the mirror, "FUNNY." I find it so fascinating watching cats play with toys. They will repeatedly throw the toy around and run full speed after it; then jump on the toy with such excitement. Not to mention, they love to storm throughout the house with enormous speed. A cat will run past you so fast, I'm telling you, you better hold on to something, don’t get it twisted your cat will knock you down.

Cats unexpectedly are very funny when they are hungry. These animals can be a pain in the ass, they will follow you around the house and display silly, unexpected behavior just to get your attention. Like jump in your lap, soft bite you on the leg, lay on your papers, that is if you have papers laid out. Despite of it all, cats are such a pleasure to have and a blessing to share your love with.

What an Amazing World of Funny Cats.